Clipping:Columbus admitted to the AA

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19C Clippings

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Date Wednesday, December 12, 1888

[reporting the AA meeting of 12/5-12/6/1888] Immediately after the opening of the meeting the Columbus delegates were admitted, their application formally received and their claim listened to. The Columbus men based their claim on the fact that Columbus had supported a club in the Association four years ago in good style, and that it was far better able to put a good club in the field now than it was at that time, for the simple reason that the city had greatly increased in population and was 40,000 larger than it was then. They also gave full explanations concerning the financial standing and prospect of the new club. Columbus was really the only applicant. Messrs. McGuire and Phillips, of the Milwaukee Club, however, were in the lobby of the hotel, and did not submit any bid for the place, simply because they knew that Columbus had the call with the Association. It was understood, however, that they were prepared to go before the Association, in case Columbus was rejected, and show the members that the club had backing to the amount of $25,00. The application of the Columbus Club was filed and then the delegates withdrew.

Source Sporting Life
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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