Clipping:Tempting offers from the UA

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19C Clippings

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Date Wednesday, November 5, 1884

Great activity and rivalry now exist among the managers of the several League and American Association clubs in the securing of engagements with players for the season of 1885, and those who have shown themselves possessed of professional skill and superiority in their respective positions during the past season have been the recipients of tempting pecuniary inducements to sign contracts for seven months’ service next season. ... Great difficulty is being experienced in prevailing upon the Providence players to sign, perhaps no greater than in previous seasons, excepting that as League champions they value their services at a higher figure than a year ago, and doubtless have been approached during the latter part of the season by managers of the Unions Associations. This is undoubtedly the experience of other associations, and it is generally admitted that higher salaries will prevail next season in both League and American clubs. The Sporting Life November 5, 1884

The only hitch occurring in the signing of the Chicago players was in the cases of Williamson and Gore, who held off several days on account of inducements to go elsewhere. Williamson had received an offer of $10,000 for three years, with $1,000 advance money, to play third base for the Lucas Union team in St. Louis, and Gore, too, was badly wanted by a Union club. The Sporting Life November 5, 1884, quoting American Sports

Source Sporting Life
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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