Clipping:Proposal to eliminate the high-low strike zones

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19C Clippings

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Date Friday, October 24, 1884

“Would not an umpire's duties be lessened by making a rule that “a good ball should be one that is pitched over the plate, between the shoulders and the knee?” Do away with the high and low balls, and make batsmen learn to bat at balls between these two points. It would make freer batting, and would save much disputing that is now caused by “high and low balls,” and the umpiring would be more accurate.--Sporting Life. This might be all very well for the umpire, but what show would it give the batsman? The latter is badly cramped now as the rule is at presently, and the proposed amendment would lessen his chances for safe batting nearly 50 per cent.--Brooklyn Eagle. Cincinnati Enquirer October 24, 1884 [N.B. The Sporting Life’s suggestion was 10/15/84.]

Source Cincinnati Enquirer
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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