Clipping:The St. Louis reserves disbanded

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19C Clippings

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Date Tuesday, June 3, 1884

At noon yesterday President Von der Ahe called the St. Louis Reserves together and notified them that, inasmuch as the public did not demonstrate any amount of interest in their games, and that the experiment had been a constant and heavy loss, he would disband them and put them at liberty to make such other engagements as they saw fit. The men took the fiat most complacently and good naturedly, and to some extent it was done at the advice and suggestion of several of the member, who can place themselves at present and would not be able to further on in the season. Mr. Von der Ahe had concluded to carry out the St. Louis part of the schedule most faithfully, but in order to give the men full scope and every opportunity to better themselves he concluded to take the step. The Cincinnati Reserves were accordingly notified, and they left for home last evening. In regard to the Reserve experiment, although it is not likely to be repeated in future seasons, it has had some valuable results. Goldsby, an excellent out-fielder and general player and a hard left-hand batsman, will be retained for service on the regular force. Streuve and Krehmeyer, two of the most promising back-stops in the country, will be kept also for relief to Dolan and Deasley as occasion may require. St. Louis Post-Dispatch June 3, 1884

A statement has appeared that Mr. Von der Ahe lost between $7,000 and $8,000 on his reserve team. This is the truth multiplied by three–a good average size for a lie, and does very well. St. Louis Post-Dispatch June 4, 1884

Source St. Louis Post-Dispatch
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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