Clipping:Early proposal for inter-league play; a championship of the country

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19C Clippings

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Date Sunday, July 29, 1883

The Arbitration Committee of the three professional base ball associations of the United States will meet probably about the last of October or first of November. … One of the most important things to come from this meeting will be a plan for an interchange of championship games next year between the League and American Association clubs. It is a fact that President McKnight favors the idea, and that Harry Wright and others of the League believe in it. The plan was originally proposed last fall when the project of arbitration was talked of. It is simple and could easily be worked to advantage. The idea is about like this: … ...let each League club play a series of ten games instead of fourteen with each other League club, ditto, each American club. That would leave a series of four games to b3e played with each club of the rival organization. Each club, League or American, would therefore have to play seventy games for the championship of its own organization and twenty-eight games for the championship of the country or both organization—ninety-eight in all, just what the number is this year in both Associations.

Source Sporting Life
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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