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19C Clippings

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Date Tuesday, May 1, 1883

The score-sheets which are now sold on the seats at the Cincinnati Ball Grounds are a great improvement over the poor apologies that were distributed last season. In addition to being neat and pretty, they are reliable, being published daily under the direction of the club. On the back of the sheet will be kept a table, corrected every day, showing the relative standing of the clubs, both in the national League and American Associations, in their respective races for the championship. It will also give a list of the games played by the nines in both associations on the day of the issue, as well as the dates of the local team at home and abroad. They are in use in all the base-ball cities in the country.

Source Cincinnati Enquirer
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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