Clipping:Purcell cuts the ball

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19C Clippings

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Date Tuesday, July 4, 1882

The Buffalo Club last night fined Purcell $100 for cutting a ball while on the field. This is about the most idiotic piece of management we have heard of in many a day, and accounts in a measure for the wondrous success of that team of late. Too much brains has always been the trouble at buffalo, and this last display is decidedly rich. There is not a player in the country who would not do the same thing, provided he saw that it would help the pitcher of his nine. That such a highly unjust fine should be imposed on one who always plays for the best interest of his nine is indeed perfect folly. It tends so well to urge the boys to do the best they can. It is not a new nine they want in Buffalo, but a new Board of Directors. They had now better begin to fine the men for batting at a ball when a base-runner starts for first, the purpose being to unnerve the catcher. That is a dirty trick, while cutting a ball is nothing. It is quickly discovered, hurts nobody, and merely means a new ball. The Buffalo Club is out to be rich at the end of the season. Cincinnati Enquirer July 4, 1882 [N.B. The purpose in cutting the ball was to force its being replaced.]

Athletics salaries, finances

The salary list of the Athletic nine this season is less than $8,000. The managers propose to double this next season in order to secure a first-class nine. Philadelphia Times July 9, 1882

Source Cincinnati Enquirer
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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