Clipping:The Milwaukee Club ousted by the League

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19C Clippings

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Date Saturday, December 14, 1878

[reporting on the NL Board of Directors meeting of 12/4/1878] Next in order were communications from Peters, Golden and Ellick of the Milwaukee team, complaining of that club for its failure to fulfill its contracts with them by not paying them the full amount of their salaries. Mr. Rogers, as a member of the Board, was requested to “rise and explain,” and he did so to the effect of showing receipts in full from Golden, but that in the case of Peters a dispute in regard to the amount due had led to his claim not being settled; there was a like dispute, too, in regard to Ellick’s salary. At this stage of the proceedings a telegram from Messrs. Giffney & Gibson of Cincinnati was read, stating that the Milwaukee Club was in debt to these hotel-keepers to the amount of $260. This charge being admitted by the defendant, the “prosecution” went for Brother Rogers on another count in the Chicago indictment, and that was in relation to the failure of the club to pay a fine imposed on Goodman of the Milwaukee nine by the umpire in a game at Providence. These charges not being as satisfactorily explained as required by the Board, the result was the adoption of the following resolution:

Resolved, That if within twenty days from the date hereof the Milwaukee Club shall have paid all just claims against said organization, it shall be allowed to withdraw honorably from the League. But if said claims are not paid at the expiration of said time, and satisfactory evidence furnished to the secretary of the League of the liquidation of the same in full, then, and in that case, said organization shall be declared expelled under this resolution. New York Clipper December 14, 1878

The twenty days allowed “proprietor” Rogers by the League in which to square the accounts of the Milwaukee Club and retire gracefully hve expired, and now the concern stands expelled. Chicago Tribune December 29, 1878

Source New York Clipper
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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