Clipping:George Wright puts on a display of scientific batting

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19C Clippings

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Date Sunday, August 15, 1875

Recently in this city, during a game betwixt the Bostons and the Athletics, Col. Fitzgerald stated that Geo. Wright, at his (Col. Fitzgerald) request would put his first ball in left fied, the next in centre, and the next in right field.

The exhibition was received with astonishment by at least a dozen gentlemen, who thought the feat was impossible.

After the game, Mr. Wright said all that was required was a slight change of position to enable a practiced batsman to put the ball about where he pleased. And this has long been the opinion of Col. Fitzgerald, Mr. Chadwick, Mr. Harry Wright, Mr. N. E. Young, and other students, advocates, and exponents of the game. All the intelligent base ball enthusiasts are now of the opinion that the special and imperative want of the game is scientific batting.

Source Philadelphia All-Day City Item
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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