Clipping:The beauty of pitching; underhand throwing

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19C Clippings

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Date Sunday, December 6, 1874

Experience has shown that the beauty of pitching is strategic delivery, and this is impossible unless the player who delivers the ball is allowed a method of delivery which admits of a combination of speed and accuracy of aim, or command of the ball, and this the underhand throw alone does. Of course it is proper that overhand throwing should be prohibited, though in reality it would not be as effective as that of underhand. It is well too to prevent the round-arm style of delivery as in bowling in cricket. But the pitcher in baseball should be allowed the privilege either to pitch the ball–viz., toss it to the bat, jerk it–a less effective style than the underhand throw–or deliver it by an underhand throw, provided that in the movement in swinging his arm forward to deliver the ball by such a throw he does not raise his hand above the hip. This should be the rule. To liit the delivery of the ball to “a square pitch” would be to return to the old time rule of heavy batting, long games, large scores and the bound catch of our school-boy games of twenty years ago. In fact, no such splendid displays of the beauties of baseball as have been shown this past season could have been exhibited except under the rule of an underhand throw delivery governed by the rule “wide balls.

Source New York Sunday Mercury
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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