Clipping:A valid excuse for cancelling a game

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19C Clippings

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Date Sunday, July 19, 1874

It is claimed by the Hartfords that the Athletics lost a game with them by a square forfeit, on Tuesday last. Pearce was mutually agreed upon as umpire, and he and the Hartfords and an expectant crowd of spectators were awaiting the arrival of the Athletics, when a telegram came stating that they could not play on account of three of their twelve players being disabled. This is not considered a valid excuse, on account of their victory over the Bostons the next day. The Hartfords placed their men in position, waited the expiration of the legal time, and then Pearce, the umpire mutually agreed upon, awarded the game to the Hartfords by 9 to 0.

Source Philadelphia Sunday Mercury
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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