Clipping:A gentleman's club: the Athletic Baseball Association

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19C Clippings

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Date Saturday, January 3, 1874

An organization bearing the above title [Athletic Baseball Association], and composed of members of the Athletic Baseball Club and prominent professional and business men of Philadelphia, was recently formed, and on Christmas their club-room was formally opened at Chestnut and Eleventh streets. On the evening of Dec. 23 an election for officers was held, with the following result: D. F. Houston, president; Jos. S. Allen, vice-president; A. C. Johnson, secretary; William Warnock, treasurer; Charles Spering, Wm. Warnock and D. F. Houston, trustees.

This Association is one entirely distinct from the Athletic Baseball Club, although a large majority of its members belong to that organization, and it offers unusual inducements for their members to join. Fronting on Chestnut and Eleventh streets is the reception parlor, which is about 30 by 40 ft. The walls are finished in light pearl-colored paper, and the rooms are handsomely carpeted and furnished. Immediately in the rear of the parlor, and connected with it by two doorways, in the billiard-room. There are also dressing-rooms furnished with marble-top washstands, and everything is supplied that will tend to the comfort of the members. The cost of fitting up the rooms was about $2,500, a large portion of which was contributed specially by several of the prominent members. There was a constant stream of visitors on Xmas, who did full just to the sumptuous collation provided. Sam Arrison has been installed as superintendent. A special meeting of the Association will be held Dec. 31, when the constitution and by-laws will be submitted, and the committee on rooms will make their report.

Source New York Clipper
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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