Clipping:The Philadelphia Club's difficulty subletting the Athletic ground

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19C Clippings

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Date Sunday, January 26, 1873

...the Philadelphia Club directors were unsuccessful in obtaining a couple of days each week upon the Athletic ground. They offered that organization a very large rental, also proposing to pay half of the expense of putting the ground in order, and also to pay one-half of the superintendent’s salary. The Athletic directory, however, stated that the Eureka Club had the refusal of that only day they could spare, as the Athletic Club required three days each week. The Philadelphians have thus been compelled to look elsewhere, and will probably take a ground down town, which is most eligibly situated. Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch January 26, 1873

We are pleased to state that the Athletic Club directory has decided to lease its ground to the Philadelphia Club on a satisfactory arrangement, and this will insure amicable feelings between the two organizations. This is exactly what we wish to see, and we hope that the friends of the Philadelphia and Athletic clubs will carry on the war in a friendly spirit. This result is due to the exertions of Mr. Charles Spering, who has accomplished it in the face of much opposition. Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch February 9, 1873

Source Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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