Protoball talk:How To

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Change a chronology entry

  1. Edit the page by clicking the "Edit with Form" tab
    1. Change ID (Year, suffix) accordingly
    2. Wait for the number to update
    3. Save
  2. Move the page
    1. Note the new entry id
    2. Next to the View History Tab, click on the down-arrow widget
    3. Select Move in the pop-up options
    4. In the "to new title box", right of the (Main) drop box, change the entry id to the new one
    5. Make sure the "Leave a redirect behind" is checked
    6. Hit the "Move page" button
  3. You will see a Success page. We need to edit the ID to make the page name: Click on the link to the new entry number

List a count of entries

Perhaps the best way to explain is just to give examples:

Count of Chronology Entries
{{#ask: [[Category:Chronology]] | format = count }} (2088)
Count of Chronology Entries before 1864 (note that it includes 1863)
{{#ask: [[Category:Chronology]][[Year::<1863]] | format = count }} (1797)
Count of Chronology Entries, before 1864, only noteworthy and above
{{#ask: [[Category:Chronology]][[Year::<1863]][[Salience::<2]] | format = count }} (1502)
Count of Chronology Entries tagged Civil War, before 1864
{{#ask: [[Category:Chronology]][[Tags::Civil War]][[Year::<1863]] | format = count }} (316)
Sum of Games Tab Entry Counts (this is different because entries are counted with a script because this is in free text form)
{{#ask: [[Category:Games Tab]] | ?Entries | format=sum }} (2,292)

Here are our current tables of information, with some notable fields:

  • Chronology: Chronology entries
    • Year
    • Tags
    • Salience
  • Games: Glossary of Games entries
    • Game Family
    • Game Regions
    • Game Eras
  • Sources: Bibiolography entries
    • Is in library the filter for this is [[Is in library::yes]], where yes means "checked"
    • Url: an online version, the filter for this is [[Url::+]], where plus means "is there something there?"
  • Diggers: Contributors
  • Ballgames: Games Tab, new version

How to add text to a Chronology Topic page

Look at the Civil War page for an example:

Civil War Edit Page. The text looks like

{{Chronology Topic Page|Tags|{{Subtitle|A Working Chronology}} '''Note:''' This chronology lists known reports of ballplaying by soldiers during the Civil War years. Where details are uncertain or missing, an entry’s “Note” mentions that. Additional information is welcome from users. To supply such data, or to comment on errors in the text, contact Protoball via [[Larry McCray]]. Entries are listed by first year of the event[s] reported in a source. Where possible, they are listed chronologically within the cited year. Many of the more informative and interesting Civil War entries are included in the current version of the full Protoball chronology, which will ultimately trace data on safe-haven ballplaying up to the beginning of the professional era [1871].}}

On any topic page, you can edit it and add text. A typical page looks like {{Chronology Topic Page|Tags}}

You place a | after Tags or whatever the topic is, then add text. The Civil War page uses {{Subtitle|A Working Chronology}} to add a subtitle. The rest is free text with a couple returns to separate paragraphs.