Clipping:Boston reporters' scoring of errors, bases on balls

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Date Wednesday, May 18, 1887

[from the Detroit correspondent's column] ...I will say that the Boston idea is an unmitigated nuisance. The Associated Press agent there has somehow been entrapped into adopting the Hub conceit, and the wonderful and fearful score is sent broadcast over the land. Have you seen it? It gives no base hit for a base on balls, gives the pitcher an error for giving a base on balls, and lumbers up the error column with all the battery errors. Of course, the official score will have to be in accordance with the rules, and the Boston players are safe there. But in the Boston newspaper averages they will be down at the foot of the list in batting, and the pitchers have enough errors to swamp them. There is just as much sense in the Boston scorers flocking by themselves and scoring after their own peculiar ideas as there would be in a lawyer trying to apply his own ideas to a case because the authorities didn't suit him.

Source Sporting Life
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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