First Known Lady Umpire

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Awaiting Review
Date Thursday, August 30, 1866
Location Morrisania, NY, United States

   "The muffs attached to the Union Club of Morrisania and the muffs of the Eagle Club of this city had a very enjoyable match at Morrisania on Thursday last.  A lady was chosen to act as umpire, and she acquitted herself in a manner which evinced a thorough knowledge of the game...
    "The game taken all in all, was one of those soul-loving, mirth-provoking things that go smooth down the stepping stones of life and ease up the business cares of man.  A novel and new feature in the game of base-Ball [sic] was the selection of a lady umpire and lady scorers."

Unfortunately, these ladies are not named. 


New York Sunday Mercury, September 2, 1866, per 19cbb post by Richard Hershberger, Sep. 5, 2012

Submitted by Bob Tholkes
Submission Note 2/22/2015


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