Clipping:A disinterested opinion on the Hines triple play

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19C Clippings

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Date Sunday, May 19, 1878

[from Questions Answered, a letter from Providence:] To decide a bet I submit the following question to a local authority: 'A player is on third, and another on second, no one out. The batsman strikes a high ball towards centre-field, on which the men on bases run home. Centre field catchers the ball on fly, and runs to third base, both of the runners having run home. Are not both of them out by the catcher of the fly-ball touching third base before they returned to that base without his throwing the ball to second base?' The party appealed to decide that the ball must be thrown to second. One of the parties to the bet kicked, and we sent to the Clipper. It says, 'Certainly they are.' meaning that the ball need not be sent to second. Now will you please pass on the matter, and quote the rule, if there be one, to cover the matter? Answer—The thing is simple enough. Sec. 12 of Rule 5 reads: “Any player running the bases on fair or foul balls caught before touching the ground must return to the base he occupied when the ball was struck, and retouch such base before attempting to make another or score a run, and said player shall be liable to be put out in so returning, as in the case of running to first base when a fair ball is hit and not caught flying.” The man who was on second base must return to that base, it being the one he occupied “when the ball was struck,” and he can be put out by holding the ball on that base (not some other base) before he gets back. So far as putting the man out is concerned, the ball might as well be held on the manager's nose as on the third base. It would affect as much one way as the other.

Source Chicago Tribune
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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