Clipping:An ineligible player dispute results in a social game

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19C Clippings

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Date Saturday, May 29, 1869

[Maryland vs. Olympic of Washington 5/20/1869] The game was advertised to commence at four, P.M., but five o’clock came round and they had not got to work, the delay being occasioned by the Olympics who insisted on playing Forker of the Nationals; the Marylands protesting, and justly so, as it was a violation of the rules and would render the game null and void. Mr. Forker, for some cause best known to himself, it appears, having seen fit to sever his connection with the National Club, joined the Olympics, as I am told, on the Tuesday preceding the game and expected to take part in this game, before the Nationals should hold their regular monthly meeting to take action on his resignation. Upon inquiry from the secretary of the Nationals, the captain of the Maryland nine found Mr. F.’s resignation could not be accepted when presented on account of being in arrears. This statement created a war of words between Mr. F. and the aforesaid secretary. The Marylands standing firm to their refusal, the matter was settled by playing a social game. National Chronicle May 29, 1869 [Forker soon returned to the Nationals.]

Forker, the splendid first baseman, has joined the Olympics, and to him the champions of the South objected on the ground that he was still a member of the Nationals. There was considerable chin music over him, after which the Maryland Club pulled down their flag, passed over to the further side of the field, and the supposition was that no play would be the result; but after roosting a while on the fence, they consented to play a friendly game, so as not to disappoint the crowd. New York Clipper May 29, 1869

Source National Chronicle
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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