Clipping:The crowd at the big game

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19C Clippings

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Date Sunday, September 6, 1868

[Atlantics vs. Athletics 8/31/1868] As early as ten o’clock, the prominent positions outside of the grounds were fully occupied, and shortly after noon the grand rush began. Thousands of people who had arrived from out of town by the morning trains were on hand, while the street cars were fairly filled to overflowing. Seats were at a premium, and the majority had to stand, the accommodations not being sufficient for half of those present. The windows of the dwellings in the immediate vicinity were all occupied by interested spectators, as well as the tops of the houses, while vehicles that had brought spectators to the grounds were made to do service as stands for those doing “outside duty.” Within the enclosure the ladies’ covered stand was filled with the representatives of the fair sex, and the members’ seats were filled to repletion. New York Dispatch September 6, 1868

Every available point of sight within the ground was occupied. The roadway in Columbia avenue and Fifteenth street was a dense mass. The many trees in the neighboring lots were loaded down with men and boys. Speculators had seats erected on wagons, which they disposed of at quite a lively rate at twenty five cents per head. The grand stand was reserved for ladies, a very numerous assemblage of whom were present. The seats on the top of Messrs. Cuthbert and Berry’s restaurant were all occupied at two and one dollar a seat. Philadelphia Sunday Mercury September 6, 1868

Source New York Dispatch
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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