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Showing 20 pages using this property.
"Round Ball" Played in Bangor ME: Cony's Side 50, Hunt's Side 49  +
"Rounders" Said to be Played at Phillips Andover School  +
"Shoddy" Lords Opts for Mechanical Grass-Cutter  +
"Silver Ball" Match Features Brooklyn and New York All-Stars, Attracts Up To 15,000  +
"Struck a Ball Over the (163-foot) Weather-cock" in New York  +
"The Ball Enters History"  +
"The Best Played Game on Record"  +
"The Game of Ball" Banned in Area of Belfast ME  +
"The Playground" Gives Insight into Rounders, Trap-ball, and Cricket Rules and Customs  +
"The Popular Game" For Boys in NY State: Old Cat  +
"Town Ball" Noted by Traveler from Philadelphia to Cape Island NJ  +
"Unconfirmed" Report of a Stoolball Reference by Iscanus  +
"Union" Games Started 1864 Season  +
"Veterans of 1812" Play OFBB . . . Annually?  +
"We pronounced it gool"  +
"Wide Strike Zone" Fails to Level Lords-vs-Commoners Cricket Match in England  +
"Young Man's Amusements" Include "Bat and Ball"  +
"the national out-door game"  +
"we had a game of ball notwithstanding"  +
'Bama Boys Play Town Ball on Campus  +